Here are some current projects I’m working on:


Posted thought-provoking questions in: 

  • Accountabuddies

Answered thought-provoking questions in:  

  • Accountabuddies
  • A Question a Day
  • Write Warriors 
  • Global Writing Community

Kaylyn Gabbert fan page

My Projects:
  • Inspiration Dossier
  • Prompts:
    • Raising Hellraisers (inspired by Devil Spawn Wife)
    • The Great Pie Caper (Inspired by Fake Big Bro)
    • Tsunami (for Fake Big Bro)
    • 2 from 1-Minute Writer
  • Prep for Women’s History Month:
    • Asked Women if they want to be a part of it:
      • Prepared  interviews
      • Interviewed: 6
      • During 1/17  and 1/31 BWWG Sprint I asked if any women there wanted to sign up and I got names and contact info
    • Prepared International Women’s Day from Kaylyn’s Universes Part IV (and got word Fake Big Bro will collab for To Second Chances)
My Workspace:
  • Organized:
    • Photos on my phone
    • Backlogged email
  • My office:
    • Organized my external bookcases
    • Books sitting under desk
    • Desk
    • Filing system by desk
    • Bottom bookshelf
Goodreads: Set my yearly reading goal
My Stories:
  • Music Nymphs
  • The Fierce Mermaid
  • Neck Bites and Risen Hairs
  • The Five Year Curse
  • Heart on Her Sleeve
  • Phobos’ Goals
  • Bad Omens
Uploaded photos to… Albums:
  • Attire for my Characters Part IV
  • Memories I Want to Keep III
  • My Styles
Brooklyn Women’s Writing Group:
  • Attended Helped a member with their music conundrum
  • During 1/17 BWWG Sprint I asked if any women there wanted to sign up and I got names and contact info for my Women’s History Month Spread in my blog
Adult Literacy Tutoring:
  • Outside class:
    • Planned lesson
    • Read email from bosses and downloaded what they sent
    • Did the homework I assigned my students during break
    • Went over what they sent again
    • Looked up answers students had for class and other aspects of their life and sent the answers to them via email
    • Went over the notes that my bosses sent for lesson plans
  • In class:
    • Went over why a class was cancelled with my boss
    • Dealt with tech issues
    • Went over homework or did homework
    • Was able to give students different writing prompts at the same time
    • Sent them homework by email
    • Told a student I’d help them look up where to/how to work on resumes as they requested
  • Beta Reader 3 (I look at the character art and read chapters; edit, give feedback, and answer questionnaire):
    • Met with and he answered all my emailed questions and concerns
  • Beta Reader 1 (We read each others’ work to each other for edits and feedback):
    • Told her about a research book that may help her story
    • Week 1:
      • For her:
        • I went over potential notes that could help her out with from a book that’s been helping me with my own books
        • We went over her chapter
      • For me: We went over my chapter and what she liked and had questions about
  • Beta Reader 2 (I read chapters and email feedback and edits):
    • Checked in with

Posted thought-provoking questions in: 

  • Accountabuddies
  • Lucas Institute (thanks to Kaylyn Gabbert page)

Answered thought-provoking questions in:  

  • Accountabuddies
  • A Question a Day
  • Write Warriors 
  • Global Writing Community

Kaylyn Gabbert fan page


  • How to Save the Human
  • Phobos’ Goals
  • Bad Omens
  • The Five Year Curse
  • Heart on Her Sleeve
  • Neck Bites and Risen Hairs Music Nymphs The Fierce Mermaid


  • Tsunami (fanfic for Fake Big Bro)
  • The Great Pie Caper (inspired by Fake Big Bro)
  • Raising Hellraisers (inspired by Devil Spawn Wife)


  • Memories I Want to Keep III
  • My Styles
  • Attires for my Characters Part IV
  • Attires for my Characters Part V (Created)


  • Women’s History Month:
    • Interviews:
      • Worked on final drafts: 14
      • Created: 2
      • Interviewed: 3
      • Worked on: 1
    • International Women’s Day from Kaylyn’s Universes Part IV
  • Top Beyond the Unknown Part IV
  • History of Magic notes
  • Inspiration Dossier
  • An Extensive Look at Fiction Part II

Adult Literacy Tutoring:

  • Outside of class:
    • Planned lesson plans
    • Told my boss I needed a day off and what my plans were
    • Printed the meeting outlines that I missed from my boss and filed them
  • In class:
    • Went over homework
    • Went over possible influential people they look up to for Black History Month Ways to look up more about an influential person’s life
    • We watched an a video about this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day and who he influenced along the way
    • Talked about what we learned in older lessons
    • Talked about how Google Docs can help their projects

Brooklyn Women’s Writing Group:

  • Attended
  • Women’s History Month:
    • Reminded women of their interviews
    • Interviewed


  • Beta Reader 1 (We read each others’ work to each other for edits and feedback):
    • Emailed research notes to her that could help her
    • Week 1:
      • My work:
        • Caught her up on chapter 5 and told her I loved her reaction of chapter 5’s last scene so much that I read it to two others and what they thought
        • Read her half of chapter 6, she loved it, and found no errors


Posted thought-provoking questions in: 

  • Accountabuddies
  • Lucas Institute (thanks to Kaylyn Gabbert page)

Answered thought-provoking questions in:  

  • Accountabuddies
  • A Question a Day
  • Write Warriors 
  • Global Writing Community

Kaylyn Gabbert fan page


  • Music Nymphs
  • Heart on Her Sleeve
  • Shuffling the Deck
  • The Five Year Curse
  • Phobos’ Goals
  • Raising Hellraisers
  • Bad Omens
  • The Fierce Mermaid
  • Neck Bites and Risen Hairs


Updated… Albums:

  • Attire for my Characters Part V
  • My Styles
  • Memories I Want to Keep III

Adult Literacy Tutoring:

  • Told them I need time off for a family emergency
  • Told them I’ll decide if I need extended time off next month
  • Met with the head bosses to see next month’s plans

Brooklyn Women’s Writing Group:

  • Had trouble attending
  • Reached out to those in charge
  • Met privately with my friend who hosts and let her know I’ve been having issues getting into meetings, and why it’s more important than ever that I attend meeting, she’s going to try to find the permanent solution while she gave me temporary solutions
  • Shared book recommendations
  • Showed them the Women’s History Month blogs I wrote about members that agreed to help me with the project


Posted thought-provoking questions in:

  • Accountabuddies
  • Lucas Institute (thanks to Kaylyn Gabbert page)

Answered thought-provoking questions in:

  • Accountabuddies
  • A Question a Day
  • Write Warriors
  • Global Writing Community

Kaylyn Gabbert fan page


  • Bad Omens
  • Heart on Her Sleeve
  • The Fierce Mermaid
  • Shuffling the Deck
  • Paying for the Past
  • Phobos’ Goals
  • The Five Year Curse
  • Music Nymphs
  • Heart on Her Sleeve
  • To Second Chances


Updated… Albums:

  • Attire for my Characters Part V
  • 2024 Adventures (Created)
  • Memories to Keep III
  • My Styles


  • Asked my Writing Beel, trainer, for a way to handle an assignment and made copies of the original assignment to handle the homework
  • Spoke to my Writing Mammon about my Bad Omens stories:
    • she and I went over how I want to do a scene
    • she asked helpful questions
    • she told me how to spark the MC’s memory
  • Beta Reader 1 (We read each others’ work to each other for edits and feedback):
    • We discussed her work


Posted thought-provoking questions in:

  • Accountabuddies
  • Lucas Institute (thanks to Kaylyn Gabbert page)

Answered thought-provoking questions in:

  • Accountabuddies
  • A Question a Day
  • Write Warriors
  • Global Writing Community


  • Bad Omens
  • Neck Bites and Risen Hairs
  • The Fierce Mermaid
  • Music Nymphs
  • Heart on Her Sleeve
  • Paying for the Past
  • Shuffling the Deck
  • Phobos’ Goals
  • The Five Year Curse
  • Raising Hellraisers
  • Tsunami (collection of fanfics for Fake Big Bro)

Updated… Albums:

  • Attire for my Characters Part V
  • Memories I Want to Keep III
  • My Styles
  • 2024 Adventures

Kaylyn Gabbert fan page


  • Surveys:
    • Doctor’s appointment
  • Reviews:
    • The Great Outdoors by Yuli Yav
    • If Only We Could by Mels Place


  • Misc folder Part V
  • Inspiration Dossier
  • Supported libraries of New York


  • Starter [redacted] (assigned by my dad)


Posted thought-provoking questions in:

  • Accountabuddies
  • Lucas Institute (thanks to Kaylyn Gabbert page)

Answered thought-provoking questions in:

  • Accountabuddies
  • A Question a Day
  • Write Warriors
  • Global Writing Community
  • Starter [redacted] (assigned by Dad)
  • Bad Omens
  • Paying for the Past
  • Phobos’ Goals
  • Music Nymphs
  • Heart on Her Sleeve
  • Neck Bites and Risen Hairs
  • The Fierce Mermaid
  • The Five Year Curse
  • Raising Hellraisers
  • Shuffling the Deck
  • The Perfect Partners
  • Inspiration Dossier:
    • Top Beyond the Unknown Part IV
    • An Extensive Look at Fiction Part II
    • Best Memories: 1
      • Favorite Brother: 1
      • Iggy: 1
      • Fake Big Bro: 3
      • Writing Belphie: 1
      • Devil Spawn Wife: 2
      • Miss Ma’am Willow: 1
      • Writing Mammon: 2
      • Fake Big Bro’s Wife: 1
      • Sis: 1
      • High School Mistaken Identity: 2
  • Myths and Legends notes
  • Tsunami (collection of fanfics for Fake Big Bro)
  • The Perfect Book for a Traveler of the Mind or Vacationer
  • History of Modern Manga notes
  • Mental health:
    • The Extremely Busy Woman’s Guide to Self-Care by Suzanne Falter (finished)
    • Find Your Peace by Kiki Ely
    • Summer Solstice (Litha) in Spellcraft by Agnes Hollyhock

Updated… Albums:

  • Attires for my Characters Part V
  • Memories I Want to Keep III
  • 2024 Adventures
  • My Styles


  • Daily clipboard
  • Travel paperwork for my stories
  • Travel medical kit for my purse
  • Phone’s open web tabs
  • Ribbons
  • Travel desk

Brooklyn Women’s Writing Group:

  • Attended
  • Recommended a book
  • Emailed back and forth with two members


  • Beta Reader 2 (I read chapters and email feedback and edits):
    • We discussed something she wanted advice on


Posted thought-provoking questions in:

  • Accountabuddies
  • Lucas Institute (thanks to Kaylyn Gabbert page)

Answered thought-provoking questions in:

  • Accountabuddies
  • A Question a Day
  • Write Warriors
  • Global Writing Community


  • The Perfect Partners
  • Music Nymphs
  • Heart on Her Sleeve
  • Bad Omens
  • Neck Bites and Risen Hairs
  • Paying for the Past
  • Raising Hellraisers (inspired by something that was discussed with Devil Spawn Wife)
  • The Fierce Mermaid
  • Shuffling the Deck
  • The Five Year Curse
  • Paying for the Past

Updated… Albums:

  • My Styles
  • Attires for my Characters Part V
  • 2024 Adventures
  • Memories I Want to Keep III


  • Starter [redacted] (assignment from my dad)


  • History of Modern Manga notes
  • Misc folder Part V
  • Inspiration Dossier:
    • People I Admire: 1
    • An Extensive Look at Fiction Part II
    • Best Memories: 1
      • Pet cat: 1
      • Fake Big Bro: 3
      • Asta: 1
      • Writing Belphie: 1
      • Miss Ma’am Willow: 1
      • Writing Mammon: 1
      • High School Friend: 1
      • Filed backlogged filed from April-June in
      • Best Memories (Created new binder; split some of old binder’s notes in it)
    • Filed:
      • Best Writing
      • Letters
      • People I Admire
      • Assignments From my Past
  • Mental health:
    • 2 assignments
    • Set up new notebook of daily habits and concerning habits


  • Phone:
    • Emails
    • Photos
  • Office:
    • Huge filing cabinet
    • Books
    • Under desk
    • Bottom shelf of desk
    • To go desk


  • Writing Mammon:
    • She asked for motivation advice and I helped
    • Did a couple private writing sprints with her
  • Met privately with a new client


  • Reviews:
    • Panera dessert review
  • Surveys:
    • Psych appointment survey
    • Pain management survey


Posted thought-provoking questions in:

  • Accountabuddies
  • Lucas Institute (thanks to Kaylyn Gabbert page)

Answered thought-provoking questions in:

  • Accountabuddies
  • A Question a Day
  • Write Warriors
  • Global Writing Community

Kaylyn Gabbert fan page


  • The Perfect Partners
  • Heart on Her Sleeve
  • The Fierce Mermaid
  • Music Nymphs
  • Neck Bites and Risen Hairs
  • Paying for the Past
  • Phobos’ Goals
  • The Five Year Curse
  • Bad Omens
  • Shuffling the Deck
  • Raising Hellraisers
  • The Great Pie Caper (inspired by Fake Big Bro)
  • An Unnatural Pull to Death
  • The Pain of the Silenced


  • Phone:
    • Photos
    • Emails
    • Misc
  • My office:
    • The bottom shelf of my desk
    • My to go desk

Updated… Albums:

  • Memories I Want to Keep III
  • My Styles
  • Attires for my Characters Part V
  • 2024 Adventures


  • Mental health:
    • 1 assignment
  • Inspiration Dossier:
    • Top Beyond the Unknown Part IV
    • An Extensive Look at Fiction Part II
  • History of Modern Manga notes
  • Idea book
  • Misc Folders:
    • Misc folder Vol. VI
    • Misc folder Vol. V


  • Starter [redacted] (assignment from my dad)


  • Writing Mammon:
    • Writing Sprints:
      • 8/5:
        • Helped her talk about her project; she later texted me from a research location for help wording something
        • We talked about how I was working on my independent studies of History of Modern Manga and some of what that entailed
      • 8/11:
        • She gently encouraged me to get some note taking done for The Perfect Partners despite my non-creative mood
  • Critique Partner:
    • Asked her what feedback
    • Started handwriting notes
    • Met with and went over my notes for chapters 1-4


  • Reviews:
    • Wild Beast Forest House by Inma R.
    • The Survival Handbook by Colin Towell
  • Surveys:
    • CVS pharmacy chat
    • MTA’s Access-a-Ride
    • Pain management appointment


Posted thought-provoking questions in:

  • Accountabuddies
  • Lucas Institute (thanks to Kaylyn Gabbert page)

Answered thought-provoking questions in:

  • Accountabuddies
  • A Question a Day
  • Write Warriors
  • Global Writing Community

Kaylyn Gabbert fan page


  • Starter [redacted] (assignment from my Dad)
  • The Perfect Partners
  • Bad Omens
  • An Unnatural Pull to Death
  • The Fierce Mermaid
  • Neck Bites and Risen Hairs
  • Raising Hellraisers
  • The Five Year Curse
  • Phobos’ Goals
  • Shuffling the Deck
  • Paying for the Past
  • Heart on Her Sleeve
  • Music Nymphs


  • Inspiration Dossier:
    • An Extensive Look at Fiction Part II
    • Best Memories: 4
      • Husband: 2
      • REAL Mom: 1
      • Favorite Brother: 2
      • Mav: 1
      • Pet Cat: 2
      • Fake Big Bro: 4
      • Miss Ma’am Willow: 1
      • Devil Spawn Wife: 4
      • Writing Mammon: 5
      • Blood Sis: 3
      • Old High School Friend: 1
      • Don’t Gotta be Innocent: 1
  • History of Modern Manga notes
  • Signs & Symbols notes
  • Mental Health assignment: 1
  • Misc folders:
    • Vol VI
    • Vol VII


  • On phone:
    • Photos
    • Emails
    • Misc
  • Office:
    • Giant filing cabinet
    • Desk space
    • Filing under the desk
    • Bottom shelfing

Updated… Albums:

  • 2024 Adventures
  • My Styles
  • Attire for my Characters Part V
  • Memories I Want to Keep III


  • Critique Partner:
    • Read chapter 5
    • Wrote notes
    • Met with author and went over notes
    • Emailed her my notes
    • Suggested/added my notes to her story document
  • Writing Mammon:
    • Kept her on her goal and made a way to know she hit her goal even after we got out of our meeting
  • Miss Ma’am Willow:
    • Read her 3 chapters of Starter [redacted]
    • Helped her find out what draft of her book sounds correct